Smart Blenders - Vitamix vs Blendtec

August 20, 2021

Blenders have been a kitchen staple for many years, but with the advancement in technology, traditional blenders are slowly making way for smart blenders. Smart blenders have features such as Wi-Fi connectivity, pre-programmed settings, and compatibility with smart devices that make them the perfect addition to any smart home. In this post, we’ll compare two of the most popular smart blenders available in the market, Vitamix and Blendtec, to help you decide which one is the best for your home.


Vitamix is a brand that has been around for over 70 years and is a trusted name in the world of blenders. They offer a wide range of blenders, from traditional blenders to smart blenders. Their smart blenders, the Vitamix Ascent Series, are equipped with a touchscreen display, pre-programmed settings, and wireless connectivity. They also come with a mobile app that allows you to control the blender remotely, save your favorite recipes, and access hundreds of recipes created by Vitamix.

The Vitamix Ascent Series blenders have a powerful motor that can crush even the toughest of ingredients. They also come with a self-cleaning feature that makes cleaning up a breeze. However, one downside of Vitamix blenders is their price point. They are on the higher end of the spectrum and might not fit everyone’s budget.


Blendtec is another popular brand that offers smart blenders. Their flagship smart blender, the Blendtec Designer 725, comes with a powerful motor, pre-programmed cycles, and wireless connectivity. It also has a touchscreen display that allows you to control the blender, access hundreds of recipes, and adjust the settings according to your preference.

One advantage of Blendtec blenders is their price point. They are usually less expensive than Vitamix blenders, which makes them a good option for those who are looking for a smart blender but don’t want to break the bank. Blendtec blenders also have a square-shaped jar that makes it easier to blend ingredients. However, some people find this shape difficult to clean, and it might not be as durable as the round jar of Vitamix blenders.

Comparison Table

To summarize the comparison between Vitamix and Blendtec smart blenders, we’ve created a table that highlights their similarities and differences:

Features Vitamix Ascent Series Blendtec Designer 725
Price Expensive Affordable
Motor Powerful Powerful
Pre-programmed cycles Yes Yes
Touchscreen display Yes Yes
Wireless connectivity Yes Yes
Shape of the jar Round Square
Self-cleaning Yes No


Both Vitamix and Blendtec are excellent options for a smart blender, and the choice ultimately depends on your personal preferences and budget. If you’re looking for a powerful blender with a round jar and a self-cleaning feature, then Vitamix might be the right option for you. However, if you’re looking for a more affordable option with a square jar and similar features, then Blendtec might be a better choice.

We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision on which smart blender to choose. Feel free to leave your comments below and let us know which one you prefer!


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